Pillowcase Rapist Set to be Released in Antelope Valley (2025)

California State Sen. Scott Wilk, Los Angeles County Supervisor Kathryn Barger and Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón are all on record as opposing a proposal to allow the convicted “Pillowcase Rapist” Christopher Evans Hubbart to make his home in the Antelope Valley.

Hubbart, who became known as the “Pillowcase Rapist” for his habit of covering his victims heads with pillowcases, was indicted in Los Angeles on charges of rape, sodomy and attempted rape, accused of breaking into the homes of 10 women. He pleaded guilty to some of the charges and was sent to a state hospital as a mentally disordered sex offender.

In March 2023, against the objections of the LADA’s Office to his conditional release, the Santa Clara County Superior Court granted Hubbart’s conditional release resulting in Hubbart returning to Los Angeles. The Santa Clara Superior Court determined that Los Angeles County “is to be Mr. Hubbart’s domicile,” setting the stage for his potential release to the Los Angeles County area.

This decision transfers the responsibility of housing Hubbart to the Los Angeles County Superior Court, which will make the final decision as to where Hubbart is placed. Once Santa Clara County Superior Court granted conditional release, DSH and Liberty Healthcare, a health and human services management company, began the search for appropriate housing.

This is not the first time Hubbart has been scheduled to be housed in the Antelope Valley. In an opinion piece published on SCVNews.com April 4, 2014 L.A. County Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich wrote:

“Santa Clara Superior Court Judge Gilbert Brown ruled that serial rapist Christopher Evans Hubbart will reside at 20315 E. Ave R in unincorporated Palmdale upon his release. This action opens up a 45-day window for public comment which will be considered by the Judge at the next court hearing.

It’s outrageous that an admitted sexual predator with a long history of brutal crimes against women will be released in this community – or any community. He belongs in an institution where he cannot prey upon the public.

Despite factual evidence that Hubbart has had no connection to Los Angeles County since 1972 — with the exception of a brief two-month period while on parole — Judge Brown has allowed Hubbart conditional release into Los Angeles County.

Hubbart is a violent sex predator believed to have raped as many as 40 women in a 10-year period. He has admitted to raping 26 women in the Los Angeles area in the early 1970’s and an additional 15 woman were raped in the San Francisco Bay area in the early 1980’s. His previous paroles were revoked numerous times due to assaulting women, his mental condition and threat to public safety.”

However, Hubbart remained committed to the Department of State Hospitals and was not released.

The proposal to house the man once known as the “Pillowcase Rapist” in the Antelope Valley town of Juniper Hills has brought quick opposition from Los Angeles County Supervisor Kathryn Barger and appeals to residents to voice their concerns to the court.

“We cannot allow our rural communities in the Antelope Valley to be magnets for housing sexually violent predators,” Barger said. “That’s simply unacceptable.”

She cited spotty cellphone coverage, inconsistent internet service, interruptions to telephone landlines and long wait times for law enforcement response as a “clear recipe for failure.”

Gascón said attorneys in his office would seek to block his placement in the Antelope Valley. The decision now rests with the Los Angeles Superior Court, which has scheduled a hearing for Tuesday, Oct. 1.

Wilk has issued the following statement vehemently opposing the proposal to release Hubbart into the Antelope Valley:

“He wasn’t welcome here 10 years ago, and he isn’t welcome today,” said Wilk. “How can someone who has admitted to raping at least 40 women, whose crimes span decades, be allowed back into society? The Antelope Valley has been treated as a dumping ground for sexually violent predators over and over again. We are not a dumping ground. As a community, we must stand together to make our voices heard, loud and strong, and oppose this plan.”

The Los Angeles Superior Court will now have the final say at a hearing scheduled for Oct. 1, at 1:30 p.m. in Dept. 113 at the Hollywood Courthouse, 5925 Hollywood Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90028.

The proposed address for Hubbart’s relocation is 28800 Cruthers Creek Road, Pearblossom, CA, 93553

Members of the public are highly encouraged to submit written comments to the District Attorney’s office through Sept. 17, at svpcomments@da.lacounty.gov.

Letters can also be sent to:

Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office

Attention: SVP Unit

211 Temple W. St. 9th Floor,

Los Angeles, CA 90012

A livestream of the Oct. 1 hearing can be viewed at lacvirtualcourts.webex.com/meet/svp.


Pillowcase Rapist Set to be Released in Antelope Valley (2025)
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