DOOM Alpha v0.3 (aka "DOOM Pre-Alpha") (2025)

  • Urania

    By LadyMistDragon · Posted 9 hours ago

    A Plutonia megawad likely to end up in a part 3 of missed Cacowards, Urania has something of a cult following but is not exactly hugely known to those who aren't familiar with. Basically, we've got a collection of of large and often hub-like maps, with at least a few cases of incredibly nasty backtracking. Some of the maps are quite interesting and are pretty nice to explore. Texturing is definitely Plutonian-centered but there are some other recolored vanilla textures thrown in every so often for fun. Combat is interesting. Influenced by Plutonia but not really being similar to Plutonia 2, it's probably easier if you have a rough time with Gusta's interconnected boxes but some maps do approach that difficulty nonetheless. Not the least because riderr the creator also takes some influences from Speed of Doom at times, generally seeing zero issues with deploying murders of Revenants, not to mention Arch-viles at rather inconvenient times. While being designed with pistol start in mind, the mostly consistent ammo starvation would seem to suggest continuous might be a better option. Every so often, a map will show up that's a pain in the neck to navigate, mostly because of platforms moving up and down and convenient moments. For the most part, these are interesting reinterpretations of map concepts from BOTH Final Doom IWADs but straightforward layout copies are pretty rare. Rather, riderr is using Plutonia and TNT to carve his own unique and polarizing brand of Doom which works for the most part - once you get used to it.

  • JJs-Jams.WAD

    By Walter confetti · Posted 12 hours ago

    Interesting obscure music pack for sure... Not sure how many of them will fit with Doom, but they are pretty charming tracks actually!

  • Pacman DooM

    By ImBadAtDoom · Posted 15 hours ago

    I can't download it :(

  • Earth

    By Cruduxy Pegg · Posted 15 hours ago

    It is kinda terrible but at the same time not boring.. I don't think I've ever seen another mapset with more ashwall in it. There is enough ashwall in some maps to drown the universe; and sometimes you have to find stairs at the edge of said ashwall to progress. the combat in this wad is mostly the mapper throwing random shit at you in the hope you die, nearly every room has a mancubus, revenant or baron + a lot of zombies or pinkies. Sometimes you barely have any ammo and need to run past stuff or chainsaw\punch your way out. The starting area in the first map is probably the most iconic thing in this mapset.

  • Phobos

    By Cruduxy Pegg · Posted 17 hours ago

    Going to give this one two reviews because I don't think one is fair to it or other wads. Review #1 4/5 - Doomcute\graphics The wad has a lot of effort into looking like actual bases compared to most mapsets from back then. things like the ladders on swimming pools and into vents are very unique and there is just something hilarious about ambushing monsters from vents and random cracks in walls. It has new textures for things like sofas and bathrooms. I'll be honest the most impressive thing (albeit tiny)about it is the power cables and the yellow key elevator on an oil rig. There are some stupid stuff like the bullet proof glass that keeps pain elementals and cacos out of the map until you find ways out but it is alright. -1 star because of the music in the first map, it has 30 ear destroying seconds at the end and the more you take to beat the map the more your ears will suffer. Review #2 1.5/5 - Combat and immersion The combat in this wad is extremely flat. BIg rooms with lots of monsters and enough ammo to delete them and have enough for the next map as well. The boss fights are a breeze ( easier than doom 1) and you can pretty much just hold m1 on the ssg until everything dies. Rooms with combat have almost no height variation or cover on them unless it is a stair with a baron blocking on top. you can run around and survive forever in most rooms (because you'll die in map02 intro with an arch-vile but that's pretty much the only place you can't do this). third map has the only stand out ambush with an elevator that has chaingunners, barons and arachnotrons waiting to kill you on top unless you used the vent ladders to ambush them yourself and get plasma. I would give the gameplay a 2 or 2.5 but a lot of the finale map is just pitch dark tunnels while revenants and shotgunners try to get cheap hits on you.. enough to leave a terrible after taste for the gameplay and discourage replaying that map.

DOOM Alpha v0.3 (aka "DOOM Pre-Alpha") (2025)
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Author: Aracelis Kilback

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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

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Job: Legal Officer

Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.